Basketball gym closed from 11;15 am - 12:45 pm on Sunday 3/23.      



Flexible Full-Time Toddler Childcare Program

Toddler childcare is a full-time program at the SJCC for those who are at least 18 months old. The daily schedule is varied and flexible. Certain times will be split among free choice activities, learning centers, stories, finger plays, music, movement, gym activities, outdoor play, snack and nap time.


Full-Day Toddler Program

The curriculum is determined based on the developmental level of each child. Our goal is to offer opportunities for children to explore their own interests as well as begin cooperatively playing with others.

The program runs Monday-Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Half-days are available at a reduced rate.

Parents are expected to provide lunch, special snacks (if necessary), diapers and wipes. The SJCC will provide morning and afternoon snacks.