Basketball gym closed from 11;15 am - 12:45 pm on Sunday 3/23.      



Our preschool program is available for children who are three or four years of age. 

While 3s and 4s have their own individual classrooms, the schedule of activities is similar but differs based on ability and level of independence.

3 Year Olds can join us for 5 days a week, 3 days a week (M, W, F) or 2 days a week (T, TH). 4 Year Olds can join us for 5 days a week. 

Hours for our preschool program are 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and follows the Niskayuna School District calendar, except for Jewish Holidays. Wrap-around care is available for an additional cost from 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Please see Wrap Around Care page for more details)

SJCC Preschool: Nurturing Growth Through Play

The SJCC Preschool Program is a supportive environment for social, emotional, and cognitive growth. Under the supervision of certified staff members, the school provides a place where children can explore, experience, discover, create and form social contacts with their peers while meeting their own individual needs. While our preschool program provides structure for your child, we also believe that through play and interactive activities, children acquire the skills that they need to enhance all aspects of their knowledge.

The preschool program offers several enrichment activities. Students participate in yoga, storytelling, art, and physical education once a week.

Preschool Excellence: Ages 3-4, Extended Hours

Our preschool program is available for children who are three or four years of age. While 3's and 4's have their own individual classrooms, the schedule of activities is similar but differs based on ability and level of independence.

Hours for our preschool program are 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and follows the Niskayuna School District calendar, except for Jewish Holidays. Wrap-around care is available for an additional cost from 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Please see Wrap Around Care page for more details)

A Sample Schedule for Preschool



8:30 Morning Greeting - Circle Time
9:00 Center and Small Group Activities
10:00 Snack
10:20 Clean-up and Transition Time
10:30 Gross Motor Activities - Time in the Gym, Outside on Playgrounds and Yoga
11:00 Art/Music/Cooking/Games/Imaginative Play
11:30 Teacher-Led Activities Based on Certain Themes
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Independent Exploration
1:30 Dismissal to Home/Wrap Around Care


Click Here to Learn More About Wrap Around Care

For pricing information or to schedule a tour, please contact Andrea Leighton, Acting Director, Early Childhood Education.