Senior Learning, Enrichment & Volunteering Program
LEV for Seniors is a program designed to provide monthly educational, social and community activities for local seniors.
LEV's Three Pillars
Lev Program will be on Thursdays, from 11 AM to 1 PM
The program is free, and registration is required by calling 518.377.8803 or visiting the JCC’s front desk. Please register promptly since space is limited.
A Kosher Lunch will be served every time.
2025 Schedule and Program
January 16 Learn about Birds
February 13 Art oriented program
March 13
April 10
May 15 Gardening program
*Please note: All these dates and programming may change due to unforeseen circumstances. Please check the JCC website or at the front desk before each offering.
This program is offered due to generous grants received from the B’nai B’rith Gideon Foundation and the Jewish Federation of NENY.