Basketball gym closed from 11;15 am - 12:45 pm on Sunday 3/23.      

Capital Campaign

Capital Campaign

For a century since 1921, the Schenectady Jewish Community Center’s (SJCC’s) role has evolved and expanded to reflect the changing needs of our membership and community.

At our 100th Anniversary as we moved into our second century of service, we looked back upon our extraordinary transformation and success and recognized that our spectacular growth has outpaced most of our existing infrastructure. We believe significant investment is required to update our facilities and grounds to build increased capacity and enhance the user experience. 

And so we declared our Second Century Capital Campaign to raise $3.5 million for such investment. To date, we have raised $1.6 million and look to complete the campaign by the end of 2024 with a mix of private funding, foundational grants, and government support.

“The JCC has been a welcoming and inclusive organization providing high-quality services to our members. While we are guided by and take pride in our Jewish culture and values, we are committed to engaging the mind, body, and spirit of the diverse Schenectady community.”

–Barbara A. Walton,
Board Member & Immediate Past President


Our vision for the use of such an investment is as follows:

  • To ensure the well-being of children and families by redesigning and expanding the early childhood, youth and family programming spaces to address increased demand
  • To express our commitment to Fitness, Aquatics & Recreation (FAR) excellence by investing and expanding group and individual spaces that increase recreational programmatic offerings and make FAR offerings more diverse and accessible
  • To adapt to an increasingly virtual world by devoting funds to capital repairs & equipment updates to classrooms and other spaces for virtual use
  • To further develop the JCC’s significant outdoor, 22 acre property for program use
  • To build financial sustainability for the SJCC’s future by increasing the endowment. 

Since the campaign’s inception, we have used funds to construct the new splash pad in the William and Estelle Golub Family Park, and have a current sub-campaign to raise $40,000 or more, to be matched by a Grinspoon Foundation grant of up to $20,000, for the start of a new “yurt” village for camp.

Generous philanthropic support will impact the mission of the Schenectady Jewish Community Center in transformational ways. The SJCC would be happy to work with you to structure a gift that meets your financial & philanthropic needs over a multi-year pledge period.